Seriously someone should give Chase Utley an award, because he sure as heck can play baseball. If it means running over the catcher to try and win a game for your team, I've got to give you some respect. Utley, Rowand, Howard, Myers...we have a core now we just have to capitalize on it.
We won the game against the Dodgers, 6-2 in Los Angeles today and then head to Arizona against the Diamoundbacks. Let me just say that 2 outta 4 ain't bad, but I wish it was 3 to 4 or the whole enchiladas. Our pitching still sucks, hence Floyd being sent down to Scranton and our rookies (Brito) aren't as great either. Myers is still in top shape and can throw a mean curveball, fastball, hell just the freaking ball striking one player and another. Flash Gordon can save almost any game the Phils end up screwing up, and should pitch for more innings instead of trading one reliever for another and another as Manuel does.
I was impressed with Ryan Madison last Sunday against the Brew Crew, I was mildly impressed with him on Saturday at Dodgers Stadium. He seemed to lose in around the 6th inning, when he should of been pulled a little earlier, when he was beginning to falter.
I'm excited about Hamels coming back to pitch on Tuesday and I look forward to his first home game, there are many fans who are anticipating his first time pitching at CBP. Honestly how much would you pay to see "King Cole-Hollywood" Hamels play?
Okay it's late and I'm tired. Good night y'all-or good morning if you end up reading this then.